The COVID- 19 season has birthed a lot of increased viewers. People are now deciding to go LIVE more often, post more on Social Media, and some have even started Blogs, Youtube pages, and Podcast channels. We love everything that has been birthed but we want to offer some tips to take all of these good ideas one step further, turning all these new VIEWERS into actual customers.

Increasing follower count on social media, recording the number of views on a post or shares is nothing but vanity metrics. What does that mean, it means it looks perfect, but it does NOTHING for your bottom line, unless you take it a step further, by creating a funnel to connect with your audience on a different level.

You have established the handshake, through Social Media, now what are you going to do about it?

STEP 1 – Give something away that’s FREE and valuable

For a lot of people during this time, that might be information. However, if you have a product-based business, there is still an excellent opportunity for you to think bigger. Back in February of this year, during the book launch of “May, I Call You Queen,” we had Brownie Blessings sponsor Brownies for our goodie bags. Everyone who tasted those brownies was hooked! Over 150 people who had never heard of this business before were now trying to find a way to track down this service. So whether it’s an actual product or information, get your foot into the door with your potential client by giving away something for FREE!

STEP 2 – Collect Email addresses

The average email engagement rate is over 21%, while the Instagram engagement rate is, at best, 3.5%-6%. Almost four times more engagement in email. You also don’t own your social media account; there is no way to determine if your TARGET Audience is seeing your information unless you sponsor it. Emails give you direct access to your target audience. Start collecting emails so that you can talk directly to the people who want to hear from you! 

STEP 3 – Make The Offer

If you never ask anyone to purchase a product, you’re not going to stay in business for a long time. Last week we partnered with Pi Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated to launch a FREE workshop entitled “Teach Me How To Pivot.”

This workshop provided Marketing and Branding tips helping women to pivot in business and life. Our speakers volunteered their time and gave some free information away on things they had been doing. As a result, our speaker Davina Rutherford of MYB Event Management booked three new clients! She gave an impressive presentation and ended her presentation with the perfect line. “If anyone would like to experience any of the things I talked about, contact us so we can book a similar experience for you!” MAKE THE OFFER!

When we don’t follow these three steps, we’re leaving money on the table. So many people have seen your brand in passing and may want to connect deeper and even patronize you, but you have to lead these viewers to the opportunity to spend money with you! If you loved these three tips, you would most likely be interested in our 7 FREE MARKETING STRATEGIES that you can implement into your business today!

If you are excited about this information, but still want to know how to find your target market to present this FREE information or how to get them to agree to give you access to their email, sign up for a FREE 15-minute consultation so we can walk you through how we can support you! HERE! 

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About the Author
Picture of Kerel Pinder
Kerel Pinder

Kerel Pinder is an energetic Creative who’s mission in life is to inspire others to become the most authentic version of themselves. A woman who is rarely afraid to take a leap of faith, she runs to the beat of her own drum. She credits all of her success to her trust in the Almighty Creator and through Him defines the meaning of Girl Boss! A travel enthusiast and personal development advocate, Kerel is definitely a woman who’s determined to change in the world. Over the years she has established a strong personal brand that has led her to become an author, international and TEDx Talk speaker and an award-winning playwright.

Equipped with a Bachelors’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Education and a second Master’s degree in Communication and Leadership; Kerel uses her educational and experiential knowledge to help clients tell their story. Kerel is also an active member of her local community as a member of the Freeport Players Guild, Youth Leader and the current local President of Pi Upsilon Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated.

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