5 Ways to Create Engaging Content on Social Media

As a small business owner navigating the best ways to create engaging content on social media can sometimes be overwhelming. You spend so much time serving your clients and learning more about your area of expertise; Social Media often gets pushed to the back burner because, after a while, it begins to feel like a full-time job, and honestly, that’s because it IS! Some companies have entire departments dedicated to Social Media.

How do entrepreneurs master creating engaging content without the big budget to hire a whole department to handle their post. 

1. Know your Audience

Experiment and study how your audience responds to your content on social media. Do you get more likes, comments, and shares from videos more than you do photos? Does your audience love it when you educate them on your area of expertise? Do they like to see the behind-the-scenes of what goes on in your business? The point is, there are at least one or two posts that have gained traction in the past. Head to your insight page and explore what you did to obtain those results! These are the kind of posts you want to create. 

Example: Our clients love for us to post RESULTS! CLICK HERE

2. Solve a Problem

When you take the time to bring value to your customers, they will keep coming back for more. It saves the content to use this information in the future and builds a higher level of trust with your brand. What if once a week a food store brand shared in a video with you the different benefits of the fruits they carry? What if a clothing store brought a styling expert in and shared the colors, looks, and trends that were hot during this season. The more value you bring to your customers and the more problems you solve, the greater your engagement will be. 

Example: Our clients want to be educated CLICK HERE

3. Make your Post Visually and Aesthetically appealing

Invest in professional photos or a high-end phone. Aesthetics capture our attention. Therefore the higher the shot’s quality, the more likely it is, your audience will stop and engage with the photo. If the photo is blurry, has terrible lighting, low-quality imaging, or lacks color, most likely, we will scroll right past that photo. It takes more time, money, and effort to produce a clean shot, but it also increases your engagement. 

Example: CLICK HERE 

4. Have a Call to Action in your caption

 Tell them how to engage with you; let me warn you, people don’t always respond to your call to action, but if you never give them an opportunity by using this strategy, they never will. Remember, one of the most important rules of marketing is repetition. So it’s true everyone won’t run to the link in your Bio the first time you ask them to, but eventually, they will. You want to ensure that you also use a minor call to action as well. Ask them to double-tap, leave a thumbs up, or save this photo for future knowledge. Even if one person follows through, that’s the beginning of a win! 

Example: We asked for them to share their office essentials with us CLICK HERE

5. Engage with your social media contacts content

 It’s called social media for a reason. In the marketing world, they love to say, “don’t post, and ghost.” So first, follow accounts that inspire you, that bring value to you. You don’t have to follow everyone who follows you, but you should be following brands that your community follows or are apart of your community and whose content you value! The way to please the IG algorithm police is to get out there and remain active in the community. They want you to engage with others’ content on social media. They show more love to the pages who share on IG more. Even if it’s a goal to comment on 5-7 posts more than four words a day, be sure to do it and make sure the comments are meaningful!  

Example: We got even more social by not only commenting but by sharing good news for our team. Your social media audience loves it when you humanize your brand: CLICK HERE

Growing a business social media page takes strategy, consistency, and patience. It doesn’t happen overnight, and you can’t just throw something up on your social media page and hope it will stick. If you want to attract and sustain your ideal client, you have to create engaging content on social media.

Hiring a firm will save you time to focus on building your business while avoiding a great amount of wasted time trying to navigate it yourself. Consulting with a Brand Strategist helps to provide the step-by-step guidelines needed to turn lurkers into followers and followers into future customers.

If you are interested in learning which one of these methods may be the best method for your company, click here to: BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION WITH US. Let our team at Island Dreams Management help you maximize your marketing budget and goals!

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About the Author
Picture of Kerel Pinder
Kerel Pinder

Kerel Pinder is an energetic Creative who’s mission in life is to inspire others to become the most authentic version of themselves. A woman who is rarely afraid to take a leap of faith, she runs to the beat of her own drum. She credits all of her success to her trust in the Almighty Creator and through Him defines the meaning of Girl Boss! A travel enthusiast and personal development advocate, Kerel is definitely a woman who’s determined to change in the world. Over the years she has established a strong personal brand that has led her to become an author, international and TEDx Talk speaker and an award-winning playwright.

Equipped with a Bachelors’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Education and a second Master’s degree in Communication and Leadership; Kerel uses her educational and experiential knowledge to help clients tell their story. Kerel is also an active member of her local community as a member of the Freeport Players Guild, Youth Leader and the current local President of Pi Upsilon Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated.

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